
The simple and effective tool for developing your soft skills!

We help managers and their teams discover the strengths of their personalities and communicate better.

The DISCp4 test will help you optimize these topics*.

Adjusting your pitch to your audience
Encouraging team members according to their needs and wishes
Assigning tasks to the right people depending on the context
Adapting your actions and reactions to the context and to current activity
Conflict management
Clearing up misunderstandings using the right method for each person
Understanding our similarities and differences to foster teamwork
Team members share objectives, but differ in the way they achieve them
Reinforcing or diversifying team strengths, weaknesses and orientations
Time management
Performing and assigning actions with the right timing
(*) and many more...

So what is it about?

We help managers and their teams discover the strengths of their personalities and communicate better.

The unanimous observation

Everyone is unique and perceives the world from their own perspective. Everyone communicates and behaves in their own unique way.

As a result, we all repeat the same communication mistake: talking to others as we would like them to talk to us. Yet it would be wiser to communicate with them according to their communication preferences.

The golden rule

It is essential to adjust to your interlocutor, which implies knowing and understanding their profile. In long-term relationships, this understanding comes naturally over time. On the other hand, in short-term interactions, it can be more complex.

Good managers do this instinctively. Based on their advice and experience, our specialists were able to determine the main behavioral and communication profiles, leading to the creation of the DISC model.

Identifying P4 profiles

This assessment tool is used to enhance productivity, teamwork and communication skills. It focuses on the analysis of behavioral and communication styles.

It is important to stress that this is not an IQ test. It is not intended to assess intelligence, aptitude, skills, mental health or personal values. Instead, P4 profiles describe human reactions and behaviors in various contexts, such as when they are dealing with stress, facing challenges, in crisis or following procedures...

The goal

A thorough understanding of one's own profile and that of one's contacts is the key to more effective oral and written communication. This knowledge facilitates the appropriate distribution of tasks and objectives and helps identify needs and constraints, among other things. What's more, it can be used to build the right teams by selecting their members according to the context.

Find out more...

Every criticism, judgment, diagnosis, and expression of anger is the tragic expression of an unmet need.
- Rosenberg, Marshall -

A simple yet powerful model

DISCp4 features 4 main components that are easy to understand and use.

I enjoy challenges, I need action.
My opinion is paramount, I always stand my ground.
I talk more than I listen.
People never get bored with me, I like to entertain them.
I sweet-talk others into siding with me.
I love social interactions.
I'm pretty understanding, I don't like to hurt others.
I listen to everyone's opinions to avoid conflicts.
I listen more than I talk.
I'm cautious and don't trust people easily.
I'm cooperative, as long as everyone respects the rules.
I like it when people are specific.

Do you recognize yourself in any of these descriptions? Do any of the lists seem to fit you particularly well? What makes up your DISCp4 profile? What are your totems?

Discover our DISC tests to find out.

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Established profiles




Profiles given away / day


Meals given away*

They trust us

DISCp4 tests have been used by more than 225000 people, from over 38000 companies* of all sizes of which a selection are presented below.

(*) Based on user declarations.
(*) We are pleased to provide a meal via the Restos du Cœur charity for each DISC Essentiel test ordered.