
Denise Lavoie'd Pro profile

This is an example report

Denise's report offers an overview of his/her personality, based on the DISCp4 model. It details his/her behavioral and communication styles, highlighting the ways in which he/she handles stress and deals with conflict. This analysis reveals how he/she acts as part of a team, his/her preferences for group work, and his/her specific needs in a professional setting. In addition, the report sheds light on how he/she reacts to news, both good and bad.

Denise's decision-making process is examined, offering insights into his/her approach and his/her preferences in different contexts. The report also explores when Denise is most effective and creative, as well as his/her relationship with time and the personal challenges he/she faces. Together, these elements provide an overview of how he/she functions at work.

Finally, the report puts forward strategies for working well with Denise. By identifying key characteristics in the way he/she communicates, for instance by email, and suggesting optimal approaches to interacting with him/her, it aims to improve synergy and team dynamics. It's a useful guide to understanding Denise better and maximizing his/her potential in his/her professional environment.



The DISCp4, an acronym of Dominant, Influent, Stable and Conscientious, is a grid for interpreting and understanding how Denise reacts to and interacts with his/her environment. This report uses the DISCp4 model to decipher Denise’s profile, examining how each component guides his/her actions, how he/she responds to different situations, and his/her mode of communication. Such an approach makes it easier to understand his/her personality in both professional and personal contexts.

These graphs illustrate Denise's profile from complementary angles...

DISCp4 profiles are presented on a color wheel divided into four quarters, each representing one of the components: Dominant (red), Influential (yellow), Stable (green) and Conscientious (blue). Each quarter has its own characteristics, but adjacent quarters share common traits. For example, the Dominant (D) and Influential (I) profiles are typically associated with extraverted traits.

Roue DISC 4 quartiers, avec légende
The DOMINANT profile is characterized by an overflow of energy, a resolute focus on action, and constant dynamism. Naturally inclined to a positive, pragmatic attitude, although they may sometimes be perceived as aggressive, they are endowed with an extroverted temperament and great perseverance as well as a strong drive for achieving results. In their interactions, they adopt a direct and authoritative approach towards others.
The INFLUENTIAL profile places great importance on building strong, satisfying personal relationships. Typically positive and outgoing, they enjoy the company of others and believe that life should be a source of pleasure. With their warm, friendly attitude, they interact with others in a convincing, democratic way, radiating enthusiastic energy.
The STABLE profile is characterized by their seriousness and reliability. They value constancy in their lives, and can show great determination in defending a cause. They are often uncomfortable with impersonal structures and ambiguous situations. In their interactions, they come across as reserved or shy.
The CONSCIENTIOUS profile prefers to think before they act. This tendency can sometimes be misinterpreted as coldness or indifference. They have a strong inclination to seek knowledge and figure out their environment. They may find it difficult to deal with pressure from above and have a definite preference for written communication.

It's perfectly normal for one person to straddle several components of the DISCp4 model and to have similar scores in different categories. As Marston explained, Denise's profile is made up of the four colors to varying degrees of intensity. To interpret his/her profile each of these behavioral styles must be taken into account, reflecting the diversity and complexity of his/her personality.

Looking at people with a profile similar to his/hers, at first glance*, we can say that Denise...

  • pays particular attention to the details of his/her contacts' lives. He/she is often seen at the coffee machine, busy chatting with colleagues about a variety of topics.
  • establishes and maintains a network of contacts, facilitating links between people, which can prove invaluable in a professional environment.
  • adjusts the way he/she dresses to suit the environment, respecting social conventions and professional specificities. Makes sure he/she is correctly dressed whatever the situation.
  • behaves in a calm, serene and measured manner.
  • masters the art of alleviating and facilitating the workload of teammates, seeing him/herself as a facilitator.
  • is attentive and offers sound advice.
  • demonstrates humility.
  • rolls with the punches calmly and patiently.
  • enjoys working with others.
  • finds solitude difficult to manage.
  • is sensitive to how he/she is perceived by others.
  • can't stand being left out.
  • needs to feel loved and appreciated.
  • knows how to train, pass on information to and coach others.
  • values the needs of others.
  • feels (particularly) uncomfortable with conflict.
(*) Some of these points may seem contradictory at first glance. Denise's profile is described in more detail below.

Adapted vs Natural

In addition to defining how Denise's profile corresponds to the DISCp4 components, the model indicates his/her "adapted" and "natural" profiles.

The Adapted style represents his/her "public self", i.e. the facets of Denise's personality that he/she presents in response to his/her environment. Described by Carl Jung as "the mask", it's the side of him/herself that he/she shows to others, reflecting the way he/she "appears" and adapts to external situations.
The Natural style embodies his/her "private self", revealing the aspects of his/her behavior that are most stable and least subject to variation. It corresponds to the facets of Denise's personality that he/she has unconsciously adopted, and which remain the least influenced by the expectations of those around him/her. This style highlights Denise's "true self", the one to which he/she instinctively returns when he/she struggles to keep up the appearance he/she has adopted in reaction to his/her external situation.

Here's what it's like for Denise...


Discrepancies between the adapted profile and the natural profile are common. They indicate that the person concerned consciously or unconsciously feels the need to adjust to their environment, whether this means their team, their constraints, their task, etc. For example, an accountant may accentuate their conscientious side and a salesperson may seek to be more sociable, while a team leader may adopt a more authoritarian attitude. However, excessive discrepancies could suggest that Denise has over-analyzed the test questions. In this case, it may be wise to repeat the test at a later date, answering as spontaneously as possible, in order to obtain more reliable results.

d i s c
Adapted 22 % 22 % 36 % 15 %
Natural 12 % 42 % 32 % 14 %
Diff 10 -20 4 1

Here are some general characteristics* found in people with a profile similar to Denise's...

Very cooperative and accommodating.
Good mediator and facilitator.
Prefers harmony and avoids conflict.
Supportive listener.
Favors collaboration and teamwork.
Calm, stable and reliable.
Prefers routine and stability.
Likes to support and help others.
Resistant to sudden change.
Patient and understanding.
(*) Logically, and depending on variations in his/her profile, Denise won't completely correspond to all of these points, which remain general. And it's worth remembering that Denise's adapted profile and natural profile are not necessarily identical. His/her profile is discussed in more detail below.

It's also interesting to examine how Denise's profile is positioned in terms of the dominant-stable and conscientious-influential diagonals and the extravert-introvert and task-people oriented axes...

D: Dominant • I: Influential • S: Stable • C: Conscientious • Ex: Extraverted • In: Introverted • T: Tasks • P: People
Purple: adapted • Yellow: natural

About this study

The DISCp4 model is based on a thorough statistical analysis of behavioral styles among the general public, identifying common characteristics and trends. This model is designed to describe the behavior of so-called "normal" people i.e. those who do not have specific pathologies such as insomnia, mental disorders or other conditions significantly affecting behavior. Thus, the DISCp4 provides a framework for understanding and interpreting different behavioral and communication styles in a daily context, outside of any specific medical or psychological considerations.

This report draws its conclusions from the analysis of population statistics and establishes Denise's profile based on that of people with a similar one. However, it is important to remember that each person is unique, including Denise, so some of his/her character traits may be slightly different from those presented here, depending on the context and circumstances.

Test date: 03/28/2024
Test duration: 14 minutes

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(*) For reasons of confidentiality and because you are not logged in or you are neither the owner of this profile nor the person who assigned this test, all names have been replaced by Denise. Please log in to see reveal the hidden information.


Trends and details


Communication and behavior

The way Denise communicates and behaves gives us valuable clues about his/her personality. Careful observation reveals not only how they interact with others, but also how he/she perceives the world around him/her. This in-depth knowledge facilitates more harmonious interactions and a collaborative environment where Denise can truly thrive.

His/her style

Understanding Denise's communication style helps to interact with him/her better, highlighting how he/she expresses his/her ideas and connects with others.

Warm and open; fosters a climate of trust easily.
Tends to use personal examples to illustrate his/her points.
Willing to share thoughts and engage in constructive dialogue.
Actively seeks consensus and mutual understanding in discussions.
His/her communication is often empathetic; seeks to understand other people's emotions.
Very supportive and helpful, often seen as the backbone of the team.
Could be more proactive in finding solutions to maintain harmony.
Strongly values collective contributions and the well-being of the team.
Shows greater openness to change if it benefits the group.
Seeks to balance the goals and needs of everyone, avoiding conflict.

His/her emails

The way Denise writes his/her emails, in terms of how long they are, whether he/she adds attachments or a polite sign-off and how he/she constructs them, is a direct reflection of his/her personality, expectations and priorities...

moderate, with enough detail to ensure clarity without becoming too wieldy or complex.
selected to support key points or anticipate the recipient's need for information.
includes elements that highlight the availability and willingness of the sender to engage in interaction or offer support.
expresses sincere appreciation for the time and attention of the recipient, with an open invitation to further dialogue.
uses a warm and engaging tone, reinforcing the sense of connection and mutual respect.
emphasizes the balance between giving information and inviting discussion, seeking to build a collaborative relationship.

Talking to Denise

Talking to Denise means paying particular attention to his/her unique communication style. By adjusting your approach to respect his/her preferences, you'll foster more effective and enriching exchanges, strengthening the quality of your relationship.

Use an empathetic communication style to show that you understand and appreciate his/her perspective.
Encourage a team dynamic in which his/her supportive nature and need for stability are recognized.
Be patient, giving him/her time to adapt to changes or new ideas.
Show appreciation for his/her role as a mediator and ability to resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.
Don't force him/her to make decisions quickly or get involved in risky actions.
Avoid minimizing or failing to recognize his/her need for security and predictability.
Don't underestimate his/her desire for approval and support from co-workers and managers.

Breaking news

Delivering news, good or bad, is a key communication skill. It's important to share good news to strengthen bonds, while bad news requires using tact and empathy. In both cases, clarity and honesty are essential, and you must remain attentive to the listener's reaction and ready to provide the necessary support.

Emphasize the benefits of the news for the group or team, highlighting the stability and security they will bring.
Present the facts in a clear but gentle way, emphasizing solutions and managing change in a constructive manner.
Incite him/her to use this opportunity to strengthen solidarity and the sense of belonging within his/her group.
Encourage him/her to seek support and collaboration from others to manage the situation in a harmonious way.


Decision-making is an essential part of everyday life. It involves analyzing the options, assessing their risks and benefits, and is influenced by information, experience and personal values. Effective decisions lead to professional success and reinforce confidence in your company's strategy.

Decisions are strongly influenced by the desire to maintain balance and cohesion within the group.
Has a methodical approach to decision-making, with an emphasis on security and predictability.
Prefers tried-and-tested solutions and avoids risks or abrupt changes, while remaining open to any necessary adjustments.
Decisions must be made with a focus on continuity, security and minimizing risks.
Help him/her to take a methodical and thoughtful approach, considering all the implications of his/her choices.
Support him/her in seeking consensus, valuing harmony and agreement within the group.
Avoid placing him/her in situations where he/she must manage acute conflicts, as he/she seeks to maintain harmony.
Don't force him/her to make decisions quickly, as he/she prefers a thoughtful and consensual approach.
Don't minimize his/her need for stability and predictability in his/her choices and actions.
(*) To be avoided, otherwise they'll be unable to decide.
Decision-making has a propensity for stability and harmony.
Balance the need for stability and harmony with practical and realistic considerations.

Managing stress

Knowing how to deal with stress is important for well-being and performance at work. Everyone reacts to stress in different ways, depending on their personality. Understanding these reactions helps us to find effective ways of managing stress, thereby improving comfort and efficiency.

Conflicting pressures
Lack of support
Breaks in routine
Lack of clarity in expectations
And also* :
- Aggressive or even hostile relations
- Impersonal situations
- Injustice
- Conflicts between people
Becomes more reluctant to take initiatives
Seeks security
May be indecisive
Needs more reassurance
Avoids risks
And also* :
- He/she will act more sensitive
- Wants to be useful
- Pursues a quest for balance and justice for him/herself and the rest of the team
- Makes every effort to foster a harmonious environment, even if this means asserting his/her own demands and those of others
- Risks becoming distracted, or even a chatterbox
May become very reluctant to change
Highly dependent on others
Extremely cautious
Avoids stressful situations
And also* :
- Imagines nobody likes him/her anymore
- Focuses on the tasks to be accomplished
- Becomes highly susceptible
- Tries to identify priorities, but doesn't succeed
- Becomes aggressive
(*) When under stress, can, tends to...
(*) And also, in general and to a lesser extent...
Recognize signs of stress and provide a stable, supportive environment to mitigate these reactions and maintain well-being and efficiency at work.

Although moderate stress is not intrinsically worrying, it is important to ensure that it does not persist and, above all, that it does not get any worse.

When under mild stress, people modify their behavior in response to external circumstances. Generally, stress tends to exacerbate their habitual traits. However, if what's causing their stress gets worse, their behavior can undergo drastic changes.

In general, stress is harmful. This said, a low level of stress can help in some situations, provided it is used sparingly and not abusively, although this is generally not recommended.

help him/her navigate changes gradually, providing support and resources to ensure a smooth transition.
set clear and achievable goals, allowing him/her to feel effective and in control of his/her work.
encourage the development of communication skills to express his/her needs and concerns effectively.
Don't place him/her in situations where he/she must constantly adapt to new challenges without adequate support, as this can increase his/her stress.
Avoid excluding him/her or depriving him/her of opportunities for teamwork as he/she thrives in cooperative environments.
Don’t neglect his/her need for recognition for his/her supportive role and contribution to the well-being of the team.
(*) To avoid, or Denise will feel even more stressed.

In general, people with dominant (red) and influential (yellow) profiles are inclined to work faster, which can be described as positive acceleration. To motivate them, they can be set challenges or dares, potentially with a financial reward. It's effective to create specific challenges for Dominant profiles and to stimulate Influential ones. Focusing on short-term objectives, resetting performance indicators at the end of each task or cycle, segmenting tasks, organizing exceptional and intense work days, as well as celebrating milestone events such as Christmas, Thanksgiving or New Year's Eve, are all strategies that can be beneficial.

People with Stable (green) and Conscientious (blue) profiles, on the other hand, feel a greater need to slow down. This can be called positive deceleration. To meet their needs, it's advisable to prioritize relaxing activities, particularly those carried out in groups, rather than competitive ones. It's important to respect and promote breaks, such as meal times. Celebrating collective successes or team actions, organizing meetings, mentoring new arrivals, offering tutoring and training are all practices that can benefit them.


Managing mistakes

The way Denise handles mistakes provides valuable insights into his/her personality and resilience skills. Understanding his/her approach to failure and correcting it sheds light on his/her coping strategies. These play a key role in his/her personal and professional development, while helping to strengthen his/her relationships through the acknowledgement and appreciation of people's diverse responses to mistakes. For Denise, every mistake can become an opportunity for growth, guiding him/her towards a better understanding of him/herself and his/her interaction with the world around him/her.

concerned about the effect of mistakes on interpersonal relationships, seeking to maintain a positive, cooperative atmosphere.
seeks emotional support and reassurance to overcome mistakes, with an emphasis on maintaining healthy relationships.
uses a well thought-out and empathetic approach to understanding and rectifying mistakes, with an emphasis on listening and mutual understanding.
encourage a collaborative approach to correcting mistakes, emphasizing consensus-building and mutual support.
emphasize the importance of his/her role in maintaining team unity and resolving mistakes harmoniously.
help him/her to express concerns in a constructive way, encouraging open and respectful communication.
Avoid neglecting his/her need for harmony: he/she is particularly sensitive to harmony within the team. Avoid actions or remarks that could upset this balance.
Avoid cold or impersonal responses: he/she values warm, personal interactions, so an approach that is too formal or distant can be taken the wrong way.
Avoid pressing him/her for quick decisions: take into account his/her need for time to consider things and avoid pressing him/her for quick answers or actions.
(*) To help Denise overcome his/her mistakes......
Reaction to mistakes is strongly influenced by his/her focus on relationships and harmony. He/she seeks to deal with them in a cooperative and empathetic way, with an increase in his/her relational and emotional concerns according to the intensity of his/her profile.
Support his/her need for harmonious relationships, empathetic communication and collaboration in managing mistakes. Helping him/her use these assets can make it easier to correct mistakes and turn the experience into an opportunity for learning and team building.

In contrast, here's how Denise reacts to other people's mistakes...

addresses mistakes with a measured reaction, seeking to build and reinforce rather than blame or criticize.
focuses on maintaining stability and harmony within the team while helping to correct mistakes.
actively encourages teamwork and effective communication to overcome mistakes and improve processes.
Reaction to others' mistakes is generally characterized by empathy, support and a collaborative approach.

Managing conflicts

Conflict management is vital for resolving disagreements constructively, both in people's personal and professional lives. It requires active listening, mutual understanding and effective communication, leading to solutions that strengthen relationships and create a collaborative environment.

Manages conflicts by fostering cooperation and consensus building.
May take a mediating role, seeking to bridge any differences in opinion.
Shows some flexibility in negotiation, but remains attached to maintaining stability.
Tends to take into account the needs and feelings of others in resolving conflicts.
May have difficulty asserting themselves in situations of intense disagreement.
And also* :
- He/she doesn't like conflict.
- He/she believes that solutions are generated by people.
- He/she may bear grudges.
- He/she thinks the way things are discussed is important.
actively encourage his/her participation in the conflict resolution process.
approach disagreements calmly and show understanding.
encourage him/her to share his/her concerns while ensuring the environment feels secure.
be open to flexible approaches that take into account emotional needs.
work to find a balance between different viewpoints and needs.
And also* :
- Calm things down, reduce tensions, let him/her explain how he/she feels and how he/she sees things.
- Deal with the conflict in private.
- Explain how you function and don't hesitate to say how you feel and how you see things.
- Spend time with him/her because it will be worth it.
Avoid putting him/her in the spotlight against his/her will: Avoid forcing him/her to take the lead or be the center of attention if he/she doesn't want to.
Avoid sudden changes: avoid introducing sudden changes or major disruptions without preparing him/her for them.
Avoid overburdening him/her: avoid overburdening him/her with work or responsibilities that could upset his/her balance.
Avoid conflictual approaches: avoid using methods that are too conflictual or competitive in solving problems.
Avoid minimizing his/her concerns: don't minimize his/her worries or concerns about harmony and teamwork.
And also* :
- Encroach on his/her territory.
- Hope that the conflict will dissipate on its own, since it can grow worse over time.
- Offend, reject or not listen to him/her.
(*) To do, to reduce or resolve conflicts...
(*) To avoid, or the conflict will escalate...
(*) And also, in general and to a lesser extent...

Manager Tools*

(*) to help manage Denise.

Management is a determining factor in company success, combining the use of strategic tools and a variety of skills to plan, organize and direct resources. In addition to achieving corporate objectives, good management plays an essential role in retaining talent.

By mobilizing technical skills and leadership qualities, it creates an environment in which employees feel valued and motivated, thus contributing to their fulfillment and to company stability. This holistic approach is the key to a harmonious and productive workplace, where objectives are achieved and the right people remain committed and loyal to the company.

Profil 4 recommends the Outils du Manager methodology for the tools presented in this section. OdM is the most listened-to French podcast dedicated to management. For over ten years, OdM has been providing managers with simple, pragmatic advice and tools they can use on a daily basis.

The Outils du Manager method grew out of observing the behavior of top managers, i.e. those who achieve two results:

  • Outstanding performance, and
  • Team loyalty

These observations then gave rise to a number of principles, in particular the importance of developing an exceptional level of communication with employees, and of using a management style based on influence rather than hierarchical power or expert authority.

One-to-one meetings

One-to-one meetings are crucial for direct communication between a manager and their co-workers. These regular sessions provide an opportunity to discuss performance, objectives and personal concerns, offering precise follow-up on projects and strengthening professional relationships. They foster a transparent and motivated work environment, aligned with team and company objectives.

The one-to-one meeting is a manager's fundamental tool for building a trusting relationship with their co-workers. It's a condensed management meeting that makes management visible and measurable. Ideally, managers should schedule weekly 30-minute 1-1 meetings with each of their subordinates throughout the year, and make a ritual of it. The time that the manager spends on their co-workers is an investment. It's worth it, because it will reduce interruptions during the week and create greater performance and autonomy.

The basics of a successful 1-to-1 meeting:

  • It's a face-to-face conversation with Denise, during which he/she must be able to say whatever he/she wants
  • It must be weekly and compulsory
  • It lasts 30 minutes and is scheduled in advance, always at the same time of the week.
  • The manager takes notes to favor listening and asking questions.

It's a 3-part interview:

  1. The manager lets Denise speak without interrupting (this is their top priority).
  2. The manager asks questions (without stepping in to solve problems), provides information, passes on messages from above and gives feedback.
  3. It's the right time for delegating tasks, enabling autonomy and for the occasional career discussion.
Give him/her space to express his/her feelings about the team and the current project. He/she will appreciate an environment where his/her ability to maintain balance and facilitate cooperation is recognized.
Set goals that encourage his/her commitment to the team's well-being and reinforce his/her ability to act as a link between its members. Offer advice on how to further develop his/her interpersonal skills.
Give him/her opportunities to work on projects that benefit from his/her ability to create a positive and collaborative atmosphere. Discuss his/her professional development in areas that will help his/her social skills shine.
Tailoring the 1-to-1 to his/her profile means acknowledging and encouraging his/her critical role in promoting collaboration and harmony within the team, while offering growth paths aligned with his/her unique facilitation and support skills.


Feedback is a gift a manager gives to their co-worker. Giving Denise feedback means telling them what's going well and what's not. Feedback comes in two main forms: positive feedback, which aims to reinforce existing behavior, and negative feedback, which aims to correct it. It's an essential tool, enabling awareness and continuous improvement in terms of skill and behavior. When adapted to Denise's personality profile, it can transform his/her perspectives and encourage significant growth.

Whether positive or negative, feedback must be factual, i.e. based on observable behavior that can be seen, heard, measured and described, and non-judgmental, as it is not aimed at the person but at the way they act.

The basics of successful feedback in 4 steps:

  1. Invite Denise to receive feedback.
  2. Describe his/her behavior factually.
  3. Describe the impact, results and consequences of this behavior.
  4. Ask for the behavior to be adjusted or reinforced.

When is best for Denise?

Preferably during the morning.

Negative or corrective feedback

Negative feedback, when presented constructively, identifies areas requiring improvement. It is not intended to discourage, but provide guidance towards better performance by highlighting areas that require attention and adjustment.

Be gentle but clear, highlighting areas for improvement in a constructive and non-critical way.
Emphasize the importance of his/her role in maintaining unity and how mistakes can disrupt this balance.
Suggest solutions to improve his/her efficiency while maintaining positive relationships, such as managing time and priorities better.
Please note: this should be adapted to the specific context...
Maintain an empathetic and encouraging approach, with an emphasis on preserving relationships and stability while proposing concrete ways to improve.

Positive or reinforcing feedback

Positive feedback recognizes and values effective actions and behavior, reinforcing motivation and commitment. It plays a crucial role in encouraging the repetition of positive behavior.

Recognize his/her ongoing contribution to the balance and stability of the team thanks to his/her ability to create a secure and comfortable work environment.
Highlight the impact of his/her stable and reliable approach on team unity and the effective management of daily operations.
Incite him/her to continue developing his/her skills in terms of managing and supporting the team, acknowledging the stability he/she brings.
Please note: this should be adapted to the specific context...
Recognize and acknowledge his/her role in creating and maintaining a harmonious and stable work environment, while encouraging him/her to fully utilize his/her facilitation and support skills.


Delegation is a management tool that involves entrusting team members with tasks and responsibilities, while encouraging employee development. It encourages trust, autonomy and efficiency within the team, contributing to greater productivity and a dynamic work environment.

Any task that can be delegated should be delegated! Delegation is essential, because there's only so much work a manager can do on their own. By shunting tasks down the hierarchy, a manager can concentrate on managing people and focus on high value-added tasks.

A delegation process must be put in place to delegate complex and risky tasks:

  • Define the minimum requirement, i.e. the expected result
  • Set a precise deadline
  • Identify the risks of possible mistakes and take the necessary steps to help co-workers avoid them
  • Detail the progressive steps required to achieve results. Each step must have a specific objective and a date
  • Hold a delegation meeting to ask the co-worker to accept their new tasks and explain the process.
  • Monitor the delegation progress by means of 1-to-1 meetings (see above). At each stage, check the date and whether the objective has been achieved.
encourage him/her to leverage his/her natural ability to build strong relationships to facilitate team interaction and cooperation, emphasizing the importance of his/her role as a mediator.
recognizing his/her attention to detail and concern for the overall well-being can motivate him/her to fully commit to the task, seeing how his/her meticulousness contributes to overall success.
while appreciating his/her flexibility, give him/her precise guidelines and clear objectives to channel his/her energy and ensure he/she feels fulfilled.
Recognize and acknowledge his/her role as a facilitator within the team, encouraging him/her to use his/her interpersonal skills to support and improve group dynamics.
Acknowledge his/her collaborative approach while providing support to develop his/her confidence in decision-making.
Can avoid conflict to the point of not reporting problems or delays.
Ask for a report focused on team unity and harmony, acknowledging his/her role as a facilitator.

At work and as part of a group

The way Denise positions him/herself in the company and within a group is essential to understanding his/her impact on teamwork and collective dynamics. This perspective highlights his/her role in promoting harmony, innovation and the achievement of common goals, thus enriching the professional environment.

He/she needs contact with others
He/she enjoys doing things his/her own way
He/she excels at negotiation and finding compromises
Prioritize teamwork
Show how he/she can help or even save his/her co-workers
Assure him/her of the teams' support and cooperation
Use humor
Show a sincere interest in him/her and his/her team
Smile, be pleasant, friendly and sensitive
Ask him/her to resolve conflicts between people
Be patient
Help him/her focus or refocus on top priority tasks
knows when to intervene and offer to help or listen, finding a good balance being socially engaged and respectful of group dynamics.
plays a key role in promoting teamwork and unity, often helping different team members connect.
demonstrates great sensitivity to the needs and well-being of co-workers, helping to create a positive and supportive work environment.
Don't thrust him/her into the spotlight unsupported: if he/she is required to take initiatives, make sure he/she has the necessary support.
Avoid downplaying his/her need for stability: he/she appreciates a predictable, secure work environment in which to flourish.
Don't expose him/her to major changes with no preparation: transitions must be managed with care and support to ensure his/her comfort.
Don't deprive him/her of collaborative opportunities: he/she excels in roles that foster teamwork and cooperation.
Avoid forgetting his/her contribution to the work atmosphere: he/she plays a key role in maintaining a pleasant and productive atmosphere.

Workbooks in which Denise appears

Here are the workbooks in which Denise's profile appears. The graphs show how Denise is positioned in the corresponding teams in relation to the other members.

To situate Denise's profile, here's his/her trend wheel again:

This profile is not associated with any workbooks!



Chronotypes refer to the different natural biological rhythms that influence our sleep and activity preferences throughout the day. They explain why some people are more energetic in the morning, while others reach their peak performance in the evening.

Understanding our own chronotype can be key to optimizing productivity, health and overall well-being, as it helps align our daily activities with our natural biological rhythms. Taking chronotypes into account in work environments and personal life enables better time management and greater efficiency in tasks and interactions.

Here's Denise's information...

Getting up time
Optimal bed time
Creativity zone
Productivity zone
Quiet zone
Training zone
May take on a major project requiring his/her full concentration early in the morning.
Has trouble staying focused at the end of the day.
Reserve afternoons for activities requiring little concentration, and for team meetings to help him/her draw energy from the group.
Prioritize reading or training at the end of the day.
Follow the precepts of the Miracle Morning...

State of mind / emotions

Our state of mind and our emotions play a crucial role in how we approach our daily challenges and successes. For Denise, understanding his/her own mindset gives us a glimpse into his/her reactions to obstacles, his/her openness to change and learning, and his/her ability to keep going when faced with adversity. It also reveals how he/she perceives the potential for personal and professional growth, directly influencing his/her approach to life and interactions with others. By exploring these notions, Denise can identify opportunities to cultivate a more resilient and adaptable state of mind, thus fostering an enriching and fulfilling journey to development.

The colored boxes below indicate the states of mind and emotions that Denise is most likely to feel...

Powerful Seen Altruistic Confident
Victorious Grateful Warm Serene
Honorable Bold Cheerful Useful
Distant Liable Good Modest
Proud Crafty Lenient Dedicated
Determined Likeable Sympathetic Calm
Motivated Smiling Kind Serious
Offended Disappointed Tired Confused
Annoyed Upset Sad Worried
Angry Grumpy Guilty Concerned
Disengaged Mistreated Reprehensible Bothered
Insubordinate Dismayed Unfair Useless
Defeated Resentful Passive Ridiculed
Humiliated Bitter Apathetic Unworthy


Understanding what motivates Denise in his/her actions and decisions is essential to grasping the full extent of his/her personality and potential. The ODAPHIS index, an acronym for Objective, Deliberation, Altruism, Pleasure, Harmony, Influence and Security, serves as a guide to explore the various forces that drive Denise. Each component of this index highlights different aspects of his/her motivation, from his/her desire to achieve meaningful goals, to his/her need for security and stability, to his/her pleasure in interacting with others and his/her commitment to the collective well-being. Together, these elements offer a comprehensive view of the invisible drivers that cause Denise to act in specific ways in various circumstances.

Denise's numeric ODAPHIS*: Adapted 3-1-4-2-3-1-1 / Natural 2-2-3-4-3-1-1
(*) Each component is represented by a number between 0 and 7.
The person is motivated by the need to surpass and fulfill themself. Detached from the approval of others, they seek personal success.
Strength: surpassing themself
Risk: Individualism
The person is motivated by the search for objective truth based on facts and the need to understand and analyze things as a whole.
Strength: the search for truth
Risk: lack of flexibility
The person is motivated by the desire to help others develop their potential, in a selfless way. They want to contribute to social justice.
Strength: dedication
Risk: slow decision-making
The person is motivated by the search for pleasure, fun, diversity, and action in a relaxed and joyful context.
Strength: freedom of action
Risk: emptiness or ephemerality
The person is motivated by the search for harmony and coherence in all its forms. They need aestheticism in their lives.
Strength: the quest for well-being
Risk: fear of conflict
The person is motivated by a quest for power and control. They value efficiency and returns on investment.
Strength: commitment and determination
Risk: insensitivity and bossiness
The person is motivated by a profound need for security and a framework. They need to control their environment and feel reassured.
Strength: respect for rules
Risk: fear of change

The following graphs contrast certain ODAPHIS characteristics to refine Denise's profile and the importance of each type of motivation.

O: Objective • D: Deliberation • A: Altruism • P: Pleasure • H: Harmony • I: Influence • S: Security
Purple: adapted • Yellow : natural